October 31st 2023. My Halloween morning involved snuggling on my couch with a freshly brewed cup of coffee and reading Sacred Contracts by Caroline Myss. I thought that maybe my morning would be me starting to binge watch Halloween movies and television episodes, but Higher Mind has me sitting on this keyboard at 6:54am. I'm going to detail to you my Reflections on Sacred Contracts and hopefully you'll be inspired to purchase your own copy because I find this book to be extremely valuable for your journey through life.
I am a Spiritual Seeker and a Student of Life. I often state how I look at myself to be more of a Music Teacher rather than a Spiritual Teacher. Just because you have developed psychic and mediumistic skills does not mean that you are Enlightened nor that you know all of the answers of the Universe. It is just a Skill that evolves in greater precision as you do the Great Inner Work and Study.
Sacred Contracts came into my life in 2020. I recently donated my copy of this book within the last year when I purged clothes and books from my closet. Hopefully my first copy was purchased by a thrift store customer who needs to read it and to look at all of my underlinings and annotations.
I devoured this book with a hunger of a starving wanderer who just found an oasis in the desert that had a buffet waiting for him! I wrote recent blog entries about reading Journey by Beth Martens in Fall 2023. Beth found Sacred Contracts and it radically shifted her life to align with her Optimal Path and to help you integrate the knowledge of Archetypes to heal her body from cancer. I highly recommend you read Journey and Sacred Contracts. I then felt Higher Mind whisper to me to purchase another copy following the launch of my Psychic Wiring sessions.
I believe it was Summer 2020 when I purchased my first copy. I write down the date/time of when I first start reading every book as well as sign my name so I'd know the exact date/time if I had the book, but alas! This came to my life in major turning point.
Was I going to align with my Sacred Contract or further descend into a sea of meaningless?
2020 was hard on everyone - a true terror on the mind. A time many do not want to revisit while others also forget the sever mental/psychological manipulation. I chose to speak out about the trauma and obvious agenda guided by Darkness. I had a choice to summon the courage to bravely speak and to align with the Golden Stream of Truth or to remain silent. Enough time has gone by for the immediate trauma infestations to subside, but the energy is layered into the Psychic Wiring in every human. I'm not going to discuss my days of providing the Omen. However, my Psychic Perceptions (married with Facts & Critical Thinking) have only further been validated since my first read of Sacred Contracts. Despite all of the discourse, division, and evil....it was a major turning point in my life to use the FIRE to TRANSFORM.
This book led me to contemplate the Archetypal Patterns - Psychic Wiring - housed within my Psyche. I completed the exercise in the book to help the reader define the 12 primary Archetypes that are intimately tied to his/her life. I'm excited to complete this again when I reach that part of the book. I feel like I have a new set of eyes to see my Psychic Wiring Archetypes so I won't be surprised to see the 12 shift with clearer definition.
I feel like Sacred Contracts is the Remedy and the Antidote to the New Age Delusion that I see throughout all of social media and YouTube. New Age Delusion is tied to Rudolf Steiner's lens of energies through the Luciferic Impulse. Those immobilized by their "Ascension" and left in a daze of ungrounded, unrealistic pleasure and belief that they have more power than they actually do while residing in human form. Those who tell their audience of all that which is not grounded in reality in order to sell courses, attract more viewership, and lead their followers deeper into madness. Don't get me started on the Disrespect to genuine and authentic Psychic and Mediumistic Abilities.
The Sincere Spiritual Seeker who wants to Know Thyself. This book is for those who understand the vast layers of influence in our Internal World and that our Inner Existence must be uncovered to create Positive Changes in the External World.
The Idea of a Soul Contract - or Sacred Contract - often makes me scratch my head. I understand that my Human Brain / Lens of Perception / Frame of Reference is extremely limited and that I will never be able to understand Divine Will, Divine Orchestration, and Divine Existence. I am a Limited Human and I accept my Healthy Limitations. I...at some level really do believe that there are Soul Contracts, Soul Blueprints, Optimal Paths, Sacred Contracts.
I see, through retrospection, how every experience/person/place/XYZ in my life created an opportunity to grow. Even the "bad" experiences. I had to the CHOICE to evolve or to descend deeper into the depths of a pit. I CHOSE to Rise like the Phoenix despite how incredibly difficult my past challenges were as well as my current challenges.
Sacred Contracts assist me with perceiving the world with a new lens crafted by a maturer depiction of spirituality and life. Accepting Total Responsibility. Seeing the World Symbolically. Humbling Myself. Power of Choice. Divine Orchestration. And so much more.
I'm sure that I'll write more about this book once I complete this second read-through. More revelations. More contemplations. More questions.
To understand Soul Mission. Despite my human-ego and my wounds not yet seen in my Psychic Wiring (which influence my conscious perceptions)...I do believe that there are Sacred Contracts.