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Mediumship Demonstrations

Writer's picture: Jake James VanekJake James Vanek

Updated: Jul 21, 2024

In 2023, during my 'The Light Wizards' Bazaar' Era, I recorded 7 mediumship demonstrations to provide people with examples of unedited, raw spirit communication.

My Podcast-Eras are no longer active. I feel very protective of my work and I'm no fool to the parade of nonsense circling the title of "Spirituality". Don't even get me started on the presentation of Psychism and the nonsensical, fantastical depiction of the Sacred Intuitive Arts. This is why I cannot allow myself to have any social media presence nor do I even want to because I cannot compete with the lunacy. I also don't want to leave myself vulnerable to those who are blinded by their trauma and programming which led them down a path of the 'Witch Hunter'.

Oh lord. I really had such an innocence when I began this work professionally back in 2018.

However! I still have my mediumship demonstrations unlisted on my now-dead-YouTube-channel. I think they are of great value.

I'm going to list the 7 Raw Mediumship Demonstrations and their Decodings in this entry. The Decodings are of me reviewing the transcripts of the readings so I can use them as a teaching tool. I'm forever grateful to the 7 participants who were willing to join me for the demonstrations.

These are unedited and the participants had their cameras off. Now...I can't convince you of anything.

I uploaded the video versions of the readings which appear after the description of each Demonstration & Decoding.

Maybe these will help spark your curiosity to further explore your own Intuitive Instrument.


RMD #1- Lynn

Hello, Light Wizards! This is the first episode of the Raw Mediumship Demonstrations. I had the pleasure to read Lynn and this was a brilliant example of spirit communication and a reminder that our loved ones are still existing in that which my tiny human brain cannot comprehend. They are still very much alive and are with us as we navigate our personal and collective challenges.


Lynn validated a song which I feel like doesn't need me to record another episode to detail to you. The Song "Tennessee-Female-R" is of one of her best friends that moved to TN and her female friend's husband's name begins with 'R'. Spirit brings up things that are also not just within the family, but within your personal sphere of friends. She validated that he never met her friend, but they see the higher overture of Past-Present-Future. It is that dynamic! This is why I'm getting ready to write my Psychic & Mediumistic mechanics book!

RMD Decode #1 - Lynn

Hello, Light Wizards! This Bazaar episode is of me decoding and reviewing the transcript from the Raw Mediumship Demonstration #1 with the intention to instruct you on mediumistic abilities. I am a music teacher - I view this work like music. May you learn something so that you understand this aspect of the human species so you can learn more about your intuitive instrument. This is important for your expectations and perceptions to align with the reality of this craft. Through these decodings, you'll know who is a genuine medium and who is trying to fool you.


Lynn corrected me saying that her father did pass on April 5th and April 4th was a memory of them going out onto the boat. I appreciate her letting me know especially since this is her loved one! I don't mind to be wrong nor make mistakes. The process of evolution!

Thank youuu, Lynn!

0:00 Intro

1:52 Raw Mediumship Demonstration

26:27 Decoding

Mediumship Demonstration #1 Video:



RMD #2 - Linda

Hello, Light Wizards! This is the second Raw Mediumship Demonstration at the Bazaar! I want to thank Linda so much for her assistance with volunteering to participate so we all can learn about the genuine art of Mediumship. This was an excellent example of spirit communication and it provided wonderful evidence of consciousness existing outside of the physical body. Enjoy!

RMD Decode #2 - Linda

Hello, Light Wizards! This episode at the Bazaar is of me decoding the second Raw Mediumship Demonstration with Linda! This was an excellent example of Spirit Communication - evidence of consciousness existing outside of the physical body. I included an Instagram message that Linda sent me to further validate more of the information that streamed on in from her Father who is housed in energy form. May you learn something from this so you can really understand the Craft - the Art of Mediumship.

0:00 Intro

02:09 Raw Mediumship Demonstration

34:04 Decoding

Mediumship Demonstration #2 Video:



RMD #3 - Deb

Hello, Light Wizards! This is the 3rd Raw Mediumship Demonstration starring Deb! This was an excellent demonstration because, as you know, these are to educate you on the entirety of the Mediumship Craft. We had our first animal spirit join us at the Bazaar! We even had a spirit come on in that Deb could not claim. As I've told you already, sometimes a spirit can come on in that you cannot claim yet which arrived during our 3rd demonstration. Then we had two spirits come on in together and we sorted through the information provided to place them accurately. This is a RAW, unedited mediumship demonstration and spirit does not care if I look like an ass! Deb shared with me some things after we finished recording which I provided in the introduction. We shall see if Deb is able to follow up with a claim of the spirit. And...who knows! This spirit may even be to you listening whenever, wherever you are. I'll be recording then uploading my Decode of her reading so I can help teach you about the Craft. Enjoy!

RMD Decode #3 - Deb

Hello, Light Wizards! This is our third decoding of a Raw Mediumship Demonstration! This reading was an excellent teaching tool and I realized that more and more after reviewing the transcript for this decoding! Remember that I am assisting you with understanding the genuine craft of Mediumship to counteract the computerized mediumship and the rise of the AI Medium. The Encoded Medium is to stick with the information provided. I really feel like you'll learn a lot from this reading because I certainly did! I also forgot to mention one thing while I decoded the reading. Deb's father kept impressing upon me week to week paycheck and relying on that. She shared that money was tight for him. He was involved with law enforcement and that this week to week paycheck impressing was to signify his difficulty with money and that he wasn't working for himself in his own company or the like.

0:00 Intro

04:09 Raw Mediumship Demonstration

38:02 Decoding

Mediumship Demonstration #3 Video:



RMD #4 - Tory

Hello, Light Wizards! We are back with our 4th Raw Mediumship Demonstration! This was an excellent example of the dynamics of mediumship and the first time when one of our participants did not have a family member / blood relative come through! All throughout my day, especially on my drive home, I had a male teacher in spirit with me...well he came on in and was revealed to be Tory's math professor! He brought in clear evidence and then he provided a transition statement for the second spirit to join us who was revealed to be Tory's friend's father. Both of these spirits truly illustrated how each spirit communicates differently and so much more! I hope you enjoy and thank you to Tory!

RMD Decode #4 - Tory

Hello, Light Wizards! This Bazaar episode is of us decoding the fourth Raw Mediumship Demonstration! I'm deeply appreciative to add this demonstration to our library to truly show you the genuine Craft of Mediumship. This is the first demonstration where a blood relative did not come through which completely adds to the validity of the work an Encoded Medium does in this world - the CRAFT. Tory revealed to me that the "R" name her college professor gave me during his introductory linking phase was the letter of his first name - Robert. I hope you learn something from this because I am just a reflection of your intuitive potential! May this knowledge greet those who are ready for Truth and to integrate the reality of mediumistic abilities into their journey.

0:00 Intro

01:31 Raw Mediumship Demonstration

30:54 Decoding

Mediumship Demonstration #4 Video:



RMD #5 - Brandi

Hello, Light Wizards! We are here with our 5th Raw Mediumship Demonstration! Brandi was an excellent guest who had her uncle bring through evidence of consciousness existing outside of the physical body. Her uncle was a showstopper! He was electrifying, animated, and full of life force energy! This was a great demonstration to show you another personality of spirit using me as a puppet to convey evidential information. If you could only see the video...spirit made me so animated and lively! I hope you enjoy!

RMD Decode #5 - Brandi

Hello, Light Wizards! This is the decoding of our 5th Raw Mediumship Demonstration! There's not much to be said other than this is an episode of me teaching you about the mechanics of mediumistic ability. Brandi's uncle in spirit was a wonderful communicator and there are a lot of evidential information data bytes for us to decode! I hope that you enjoy!

0:00 Intro

01:42 Demonstration

26:48 Decode

Mediumship Demonstration #5 Video:



RMD #6 - Ann

Hello, Light Wizards! We are back with our 6th Raw Mediumship Demonstration featuring Ann! This was a lovely reading providing us with great evidence of consciousness existing outside of the physical body. 3 of Ann's loved ones came through who all had varying personality traits! An orchestration of personalities, evidential information, and ESSENCE. Another wonderful addition to our library at The Light Wizards' Bazaar. I hope you enjoy!

RMD Decode #6 - Ann

Hello, Light Wizards! Mediumship class has begun and we are here to decode the 6th Raw Mediumship Demonstration! I review the transcript and provide you with what was impressed upon me to explain further regarding the reading with Ann. I hope you enjoy and that you learn something new! If Ann follows up to provide more validations, I'll share them with you in the show notes. I felt like there was enough validations to provide evidence of consciousness existing outside of the physical body.

0:00 Intro

01:28: Demonstration

26:40: Decoding

Mediumship Demonstration #6 Video:



RMD #7 - Janine

Hello, Light Wizards! This is our 7th Raw Mediumship Demonstration featuring Janine! Janine is a lovely client of mine who was gracious to contribute to our library of knowledge at the Bazaar. I decided to do this RMD differently where I requested for her to provide the first name of a spirit she'd like to contact. Janine gave me two names throughout our time and both of the spirits answered 1-800-SPIRIT. Great evidence came through especially weaving the information to identify family members to highlight current events. I hope you enjoy!

RMD #7 Decode - Janine

Hello, Light Wizards! This is the 7th RMD Decode! This is just of me reviewing the transcript of the demonstration to teach you about the mediumistic arts. Enjoy!

0:00 Demonstration

33:40 Decoding

Mediumship Demonstration #7 Video:

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